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Tuesday, July 31, 2012 - display progress bar button click asp net

                        This article is about showing load progress using jQuery and JavaScript. Often we perform high bandwidth operations like file upload, etc. To give a bit of relief to the website user, we need to show that something is happening. The best way is to show a progress message using JavaScript with overlay fade effect in the client area of browser.


To show progress bar using jQuery, I'm using one .JS files. The .JS file is the latest version of jQuery file downloaded from Demo Code.CSS part which is used for styling overlay fade effect and progress message box style. A GIF image is used to make the progress box more effective.
Progress bar using jQuery can be attached with server side ASPX controls as well as HTML controls. For example, ASPX Link Button, Hyperlink, Menu, Button, Dropdown List, List Box, etc. and HTML Anchor, Select, Input, etc.

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draggable div using javascript

                              How to implement a simple script to drag elements in a web page. So in this post I want to illustrate the simplest method I know and use to drag everything in pages, using just three rows of JavaScript code.

In this post I provided a very basic script quick to reuse and customize in your web projects (in the live preview I added some little additional features respect the content of this tutorial.

                        Have you ever tried doing some animation using JavaScript or moving DIVs here well, you know then how much pain it is as not only you have to tackle the difficult part of animation but also making it cross browser compatible.
Well you probably know why I am stretching up so hard is just to tell you how easy it is to use jQuery and JavaScript and do some really fantastic things without even bothering of knowing how it is done internally
In this small note, I will show you how to do Dragging of a DIV using jQuery and JavaScript. I will show you the demo of a DIV, which can be dragged here and there.

Call this JavaScript function on div then this div is movable

<script src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="moovPU.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
ondblclick='void(0);' onmouseover='over=true;' onmouseout='over=false;'
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MySQL Split String Function

                              MySQL Split String Function
MySQL does not include a function to split a delimited string. However, it’s very easy to create your own function.

                        The following example function takes 2 parameters, performs an operation using an SQL function, and returns the result.

Call this function

CALL split_string(@customers,",");
SET @Cust = (SELECT VALUE FROM SplitValues WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(VALUE)) = newcoustomer);

CREATE DEFINER=`User`@`localhost` FUNCTION `split`(sStringIn TEXT,splitChar VARCHAR(1)) RETURNS TEXT CHARSET latin1
    NO SQL
DECLARE outtext TEXT(10000) DEFAULT '';
SET comma = LOCATE(splitChar,mylist);
SET outtext='';
WHILE strlen > 0 DO
IF comma = 0 THEN
SET temp = TRIM(mylist);
SET mylist = '';
SET strlen = 0;
IF comma != 0 THEN
SET temp = TRIM(SUBSTRING(mylist,1,comma-1));
SET mylist = TRIM(SUBSTRING(mylist FROM comma+1));
SET strlen = LENGTH(mylist);
IF temp != ''
SET outtext = CONCAT(outtext,' and Path not like ',CHAR(39),CHAR(37),temp,CHAR(37),CHAR(39));
SET comma = LOCATE(splitChar,mylist);
RETURN outtext;

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Monday, July 30, 2012

how to create a simple File Watcher Windows Service Application


This article will briefly explain how to create a simple "File Watcher” application to run as a Windows Service the coding language used is C#.


Use FileSystemWatcher to watch for changes in a specified directory. You can watch for changes in files and subdirectories of the specified directory. You can create a component to watch files on a local computer, a network drive, or a remote computer.

Another very useful class, FileSystemWatcher, acts as a watchdog for file system changes and raises an event when a change occurs. You must specify a directory to be monitored. The class can monitor changes to subdirectories and files within the specified directory. If you have Windows 2000, you can even monitor a remote system for changes. (Only remote machines running Windows NT or Windows 2000 are supported at present.) The option to monitor files with specific extensions can be set using the Filter property of the FileSystemWatcher class
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Excel Interop : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC): Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file


System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC): Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'D:\sunil\sunil.xls. There are several possible reasons: • the file name or path does not exist. •
This error occur on widows server 2008 r2 64 bit

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HTTP Error 404 - File or Directory not found with IIS 6.0

"HTTP Error 404 - File or Directory not found" error message when you request dynamic content with IIS 6.0
When you request dynamic content such as an Active Server Pages (ASP) page, an ASP.NET page, an Internet Services API (ISAPI) application, or a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application on a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 server that is running Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, you may receive one of the following error messages:
Error message 1
HTTP Error 404 - File Not Found
Error message 2
HTTP Error 404- File or Directory not found
To permit IIS to serve content that requires a specific ISAPI or CGI extension that is already listed in the Web service extensions list, follow these steps:
  1. Open IIS Manager, expand the master server node (that is, the Server name node), and then select the Web service extensions node.
  2. In the right pane of IIS Manager, right-click the extension that you want to enable. In this example, this is Active Server Pages.
  3. Click to select the Allow check box.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

How to Registrar IIS on Windows server or Windows 7 or Windows XP


    How to Registrar IIS on Windows server or Windows 7 or Windows XP


The ASP.NET ISAPI version mapped to an ASP.NET application determines which version of the common language runtime (CLR) is used for the application. The ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) allows an administrator or installation program to easily update the script maps for an ASP.NET application to point to the ASP.NET ISAPI version that is associated with the tool. The tool can also be used to display the status of all installed versions of ASP. NET, register the ASP.NET version that is coupled with the tool, create client-script directories, and perform other configuration operations.
You can Registrar IIS using this command is below screen shot
aspnet_regiis -i

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Get ASP.Net Grid View Row Value and its Row Index when clicked using JavaScript


Get ASP.Net Grid View Row Value and its Row Index when clicked using JavaScript

Here I explained how to get the ASP.Net Grid View Row Value and its Row Index client side using JavaScript. He has also explained how we can find the Grid View Cells and the controls value inside the Grid View Template Fields client side using JavaScript.

Below I have a simple ASP.Net Grid View. That content two columns SNo and Name both column are Template Fields.
When any gird View Cell is clicked, then Cell value and cell index value show on Alert box.

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