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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Page has one or more controls that do not correspond with

Page has one or more <asp: Content> controls that do not correspond with
<asp: Content placeholder> controls in the Master Page RSS

Just now when i was created my master page it gives me this error. The page has one or more asp content that do not correspond with asp content place holder. What is wrong with my master page? Here is my code of master page
This error in the design view:
The page has one or more <asp: Content> controls that do not correspond with <asp: ContentPlaceHolder> controls in the Master Page.
Designer generated error in VS when we were viewing the login page in designer mode. The error was:
The page has one or more <asp: Content> controls that do not correspond with <asp: ContentPlaceHolder> controls in the Master Page.
I had a hunch that this might be the root cause of my nonfunctional login page. Now I was 100% sure that the contentplaceholderID in this login page was the same as defined in the Master Page. In order to find other reasons for this error, I did a Google search for this error message and fortunately reached link:

It would appear that your page has <asp: content> tags which do not correspond to <asp: ContentPlaceHolder> controls in your Master Page.
For this type of solution, master pages never support comments in the format <! --    -->
This could be causing your error
I changed from <title/> to <title><title/> and it also did the trick.
to fix this issue simply set <title></title> instead of <title /> in your master page.

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